Dirección:Aritz Moreno, Producción: Pok Produkzi
oak, SL, Productores, Kris Barco, Olatz Beobide, Aritz Moreno, Guión: Aritz Moreno, basado en un cuento de Julio Cortázar, Fotografía: Javier Agirre, Montaje: Raúl López, Sonido: Alazne Ameztoy, Dirección artística: Menó Martín, Efectos especiales: Iñaki Imaz, Raúl López, José David Portales, Intérpretes: Paco Sagarzazu, Pilar Guerra, Duración: 11 min., Formato original: Digibeta,HDCam, Formato de proyección: 35 mm
Vicent Gisbert Soler (1976, Ontinyent ) lives and works in Valencia. At the moment he is quite implicated in audiovisual projects using the movement and the space like basic factores of his creation. With his previous work, Rumores, he participated in diferent national and international festivals like: el Festival Internacional de cine de Tarragona, el Festival de cortos de Ciudad Real, el Festival Zinebí de Bilbao, el Festival internacional de cine de Ourense, La Mostra d
e Valencia… Colaboration in other productions for example with Maria Trénor, winner in diferent international festivals like: La Berlinale, Cinema Jove or el Festival de cine independiente de Lisboa. Works:
-5. Vídeo creación. 6´30´´. Valencia 2005. -Posidònia. Vídeo danza. 2´.Valencia 2006. -A soles. Vídeo danza. 4´30´´. Valencia 2006. -Rumores. Vídeo danza. 4´30´´.Valencia 2007. -AU. Vídeo danza. 5´46´´. Valencia 2008. -R38. Vídeo danza. 4´36´´. Valencia 2009. -Contra. Video danza 3´43´´.
Contra plantea unha reflexion sobre a
fraxilidade do home actual no seu entorno. Unha situación xerada pola súa falta de conciencia á hora de manter relacións co material, coa realidadde que é perceptible polos sentidos.
Growing up in the Devon countryside, in Sout
h West England, I began making short films in 2000, and did Film and Video as one of my A-Levels (100% marks).
After studying Ancient History at university, I resumed filmmaking and began submitting my work for screenings. Since late 2007 my shorts have been broadcast and screened at festivals internationally, and won awards.
My films to date have been small-scale motion picture experiments, reflecting my passion for the fundamentals of cinema.
I'm currently preparing more ambitious projects, and hoping to go to film school in the near future.
A spinning top is spun and several everyday actions become interconnected, through the power of editing. Then it all starts to go wrong.
JORGE M. RODRIGO (Sevilla, 1979) Director, Editor y Director de Fotografía del Spot “Espejo” de Vodafone. Finalista en el Festival Publicitario Iberoamericano de San Sebastián 2008. Director, Editor, Guionista, Director de Fotografía y Compositor del cortometraje “Ma Vie”. Director, Editor, Guionista, Director de Fotografía y Compositor del cortometraje “ Telémaco”, rodado en 16 mm, ganador de varios premios y selecci
onado en más de 50 festivales de todo el mundo.
JORGE M. RODRIGO (Sevilla, 1979) Director, Editor and Photography Direction Spot “Mirror” Vodafone. Finalist prize on San Sebastian Iberoamerican Advertising Festival 2008. Director, Editor, Screenplay, Photography Direction and Music Compositor Short film “Ma Vie”. Director, Editor, Screenplay, Photography Direction and Music Compositor Short film “Telémaco”, winning some awards and selected over 50 film festivals around the world.